Systems/C Examples

The following is a list of examples demonstrating various features of Systems/C.

Also - you can try out your own code. We've provided a web-based compilation mechanism to submit source and see the output from the Systems/C compiler (dcc), along with the generated assembly source.

Each example contains the example C source code, the dcc command which compiled it (and any output from that step) and the generated ASM source.

This page is automatically generated. You may want to refer to it again to see any new examples, or improvements in previous ones.

Example #0001

C source | Compilation command | Generated ASM

Source code


*  A small example to demonstrate the generated ASM source
*  Simply declares some variables, does some assignments.

struct my_struct {
	int field1;
	int field2;
	} ;

	struct my_struct s;
	int f1, f2;

	f1 = s.field2;

	f2 = f1;

	s.field1 = f2;

	s.field2 = s.field2 + 10;

Cross-hosted compile command & compiler output


../dcc -flicense=dignus.freebsd.inf -oasm0001.390 src0001.c
DCC Systems/C 390 compiler - version 1.31.00
   (c) Copyright 1999-2000  Dignus, LLC   All rights reserved.
DCC is licensed to Dignus, LLC.
DCC Return code 0, elapsed time 0.05 seconds.

Generated ASM source

*  Compiled by DCC Version 1.31.00
*           on Fri Oct 27 16:43:34 2000

@CRT0    ALIAS C'@crt0'
         EXTRN @CRT0
*    Code Section
@CODE    ALIAS C'@SRC0001'
@DATA    ALIAS C'@src0001'
main     ALIAS C'main'
* ******* End of Prologue
* *
* ***      struct my_struct s;
* ***      int f1, f2;
* ***      
* ***   f1 = s.field2;
         LA    4,96(0,13)  ; &s
         LA    4,4(0,4)    ; offset of field2 in my_struct
         L     5,0(0,4)
         LR    3,5         ; f1
* ***      
* ***   f2 = f1;
         LR    2,3         ; f2
* ***      
* ***   s.field1 = f2;
         LA    4,96(0,13)  ; &s
         ST    2,0(0,4)
* ***      
* ***   s.field2 = s.field2 + 10;
         LA    4,96(0,13)  ; &s
         LA    4,4(0,4)    ; offset of field2 in my_struct
         LA    5,96(0,13)  ; &s
         LA    5,4(0,5)    ; offset of field2 in my_struct
         L     6,0(0,5)
         A     6,@lit_6_1
         ST    6,0(0,4)    ; offset of field2 in my_struct
* ***   }
@ret_lab_6 DS  0H
* * **** Start of Epilogue
* * **** End of Epilogue
         DS    0D
@lit_6_1  DC F'10' 0x0000000a
*   DSECT for automatic variables in "main"
*      (FUNCTION #6)
         DS    XL96
main#s#0 DS    8XL1        ; s
main#f1#0 DS   1F          ; f1
main#f2#0 DS   1F          ; f2
*  Non-Re-Entrant Data Section

Example #0002

C source | Compilation command | Generated ASM

Source code


*  long-long example
*    This is a very trivial for() loop, printing 
*    100 long-longs.

#include <sys/types.h>  
#include <limits.h>

	long long index;

	/* We'll loop for the last 100 long-long values. */
	/*  QUAD_MAX (from limits.h) defines the largest */
	/*  signed long long value. */
	for( index = QUAD_MAX - 100; index < QUAD_MAX; index ++) {

	   	/* Print the value of 'index'.  Note the 'q' */
		/*  in the printf format specifier, indicating */
		/*  a 'quad' (long long) decimal type. */
		printf("%qd\n", index);

Cross-hosted compile command & compiler output


../dcc -flicense=dignus.freebsd.inf -oasm0002.390 src0002.c
DCC Systems/C 390 compiler - version 1.31.00
   (c) Copyright 1999-2000  Dignus, LLC   All rights reserved.
DCC is licensed to Dignus, LLC.
cc: src0002.c line 24:Warning #2136: implicit declaration of function `printf'
		printf("%qd\n", index);
DCC Return code 0, 1 Warning, elapsed time 0.07 seconds.

Generated ASM source

*  Compiled by DCC Version 1.31.00
*           on Fri Oct 27 16:43:34 2000

@CRT0    ALIAS C'@crt0'
         EXTRN @CRT0
*    Code Section
@CODE    ALIAS C'@SRC0002'
@DATA    ALIAS C'@src0002'
printf   ALIAS C'printf'
         EXTRN printf
main     ALIAS C'main'
* ******* End of Prologue
* *
* ***      long long index;
* ***      
* ***   
* ***   
* ***   
* ***   for( index = ((quad_t)(((u_quad_t)0-1) >> 1)) - 100; index < (\
* (quad_t)(((u_quad_t)0-1) >> 1)); index ++) {
         LA    2,@lit_10_1
         MVC   96(8,13),0(2) ; index
         B     @L1
         DS    0D
@FRAMESIZE_10  DC F'120'
@lit_10_2 DC XL5'6C98841500' .qd..
         DC    X'00'
@lit_10_4  DC XL8'0000000000000001'
@lit_10_3  DC A(printf)
@lit_10_5  DC H'1' 0x0001
@L0      DS    0H
* ***         
* ***   
* ***   
* ***   
* ***   printf("%qd\n", index);
         LA    2,@lit_10_2
         ST    2,104(0,13)
         MVC   108(8,13),96(13)
         LA    1,104(0,13)
         L     15,@lit_10_3 ; printf
         BALR  14,15
* ***      }
         L     10,96(0,13)
         L     11,100(0,13)
         LA    2,@lit_10_4
         A     10,0(0,2)
         AL    11,4(0,2)
         BC    12,@@gen_label0
         AH    10,@lit_10_5
@@gen_label0 DS 0H
         STM   10,11,96(13) ; index
@L1      DS    0H
         L     10,96(0,13)
         L     11,100(0,13)
         LA    2,@lit_10_6
         C     10,0(0,2)
         BNE   @@gen_label1
         CL    11,4(0,2)
@@gen_label1 DS 0H
         BL    @L0
* ***   }
@ret_lab_10 DS 0H
* * **** Start of Epilogue
* * **** End of Epilogue
*   DSECT for automatic variables in "main"
*      (FUNCTION #10)
         DS    XL96
main#index#0 DS 8XL1       ; index
*  Non-Re-Entrant Data Section

Example #0003

C source | Compilation command | Generated ASM

Source code


* Example of using __asm and __register.
* This provides a rather simplistic malloc()/free() support by
* simply calling the OS to acquire and release memory.
* A more sophisticated memory manager (as is used in the Systems/C library)
* would be preferred for any substantial program.

 /* To get builtin definitions of memcpy, you can include */
 /*   <string.h> */
#include <string.h>

*  *Very* simply malloc - just call GETMAIN 
void *
unsigned long size;
	void *retval;

    	/* We're going to save the size of the allocation */
	/*  for the subsequent call to FREEMAIN.  So we   */
	/*  add 8 bytes to the requested size.  Why 8 and */
	/*  not 4?  To keep things double-word aligned.   */
        size = size + 8;
	if(size >= 16777216) {
	   /* Size is greater than 16 meg - this won't work */
	   /* because the GETMAIN we're using won't gives us that... */
	   retval = 0;
	} else {
		__register(1) unsigned long r1;
		__register(2) unsigned long r2;
		/* Need to declare R0 because GETMAIN uses it */
		__register(0) unsigned long r0;

		r1 = 0xf0000000;
		r2 = size;

		/* Note the '12' on the __asm statement */
		/*  the GETMAIN macro, when expanded, produces */
		/*  12 bytes of instructions.  This is not required */
		/*  but helps the compiler properly allocate the space */
		/*  for the inlined assembly language source. */
		__asm 12 {
		} ;
		retval = (void *)r1;

	   if(retval != 0) {

	     /* Put in our size for later */
	     memcpy(retval, &(size), 4);  

	     /* Add 8 to the returned result, we hand */
	     /*  the user a pointer to the space, not */
	     /*  a pointer to our hidden information. */
	     retval = ((char *)retval + 8);

	/* Return the result */
	return retval;

*  *Very* simple free - just give the memory back to the OS
*  with FREEMAIN
void *ptr;
	char *p;
	unsigned long size;

	p = (char *)ptr;

	/* Back the pointer up to point at our hidden */
	/* information. */
	p = p - 8;  

	/* Get the original allocation size out of the */
	/* hidden information. */
	memcpy(&size, p, 4);  

	   /* Need to declare R0/R1 because FREEMAIN uses it */
	   __register(0) unsigned long r0;
	   __register(1) unsigned long r1;
	   __register(2) unsigned long r2;
	   __register(3) unsigned long r3;
	   r3 = (unsigned long)p;
	   r2 = size;
	   __asm 8 {
		FREEMAIN RU,LV=(2),A=(3)
	   } ;

*   *Very* simple realloc() - we simply always reallocate and
*   copy 
void *
realloc(ptr, new_size)
void *ptr;
unsigned long new_size;
	void *retval;

	if(ptr == 0) {
		/* If the previous pointer is 0, this is */
		/*  "just like" malloc() */
		return malloc(new_size);

	/* Get some new space. */
	retval = malloc(new_size);

	if(retval != 0) {
	   char *p;
	   unsigned long old_size;
	   unsigned long to_copy;

	   p = ptr;
	   /* Point to our hidden information so */
	   /*  we can copy the old bytes to the  */
	   /*  location.   For that copy, we need */
	   /*  to get the size information. */
	   p = p-8;
	   memcpy(&old_size, p, 4);

	   /* Copy the old stuff back */
	   to_copy = old_size;
	   if(to_copy > new_size) {
		to_copy = new_size;
	   memcpy(retval, ptr, to_copy);

	   /* Free the old stuff */

	/* Return the result */
	return retval;

Cross-hosted compile command & compiler output


../dcc -flicense=dignus.freebsd.inf -oasm0003.390 src0003.c
DCC Systems/C 390 compiler - version 1.31.00
   (c) Copyright 1999-2000  Dignus, LLC   All rights reserved.
DCC is licensed to Dignus, LLC.
DCC Return code 0, elapsed time 0.07 seconds.

Generated ASM source

*  Compiled by DCC Version 1.31.00
*           on Fri Oct 27 16:43:34 2000

*    Code Section
@CODE    ALIAS C'@SRC0003'
@DATA    ALIAS C'@src0003'
malloc   ALIAS C'malloc'
         ST    1,80(0,13)  ; Save ptr to incoming parm block
* ******* End of Prologue
* *
* ***      void *retval;
* ***           # 35
* ***   size = size + 8;
         L     2,0(0,1)    ; size
         AL    2,@lit_51_1
         ST    2,0(0,1)    ; size
* ***      if(size >= 16777216) {
         CL    2,@lit_51_2
         BL    @L0
* ***         
* ***   
* ***   retval = 0;
         LA    3,0(0,0)    ; retval
* ***      } else {
         B     @L1
         DS    0D
@lit_51_2  DC F'16777216' 0x01000000
@lit_51_1  DC F'8' 0x00000008
@FRAMESIZE_51  DC F'128'
@lit_51_3  DC F'-268435456' 0xf0000000
@L0      DS    0H
* ***         {
* ***         __register(1) unsigned long r1;
* ***         __register(2) unsigned long r2;
* ***         
* ***   __register(0) unsigned long r0;
* ***         
* ***   r1 = 0xf0000000;
         L     4,@lit_51_3
         LR    1,4         ; r1
* ***         r2 = size;
         L     4,80(0,13)
         L     5,0(0,4)    ; size
         LR    2,5         ; r2
* ***         # 55
* ***   __asm 12 {
* ***            GETMAIN RU,LV=(2),LOC=BELOW
* ***         } ;
* inline ASM source (12 bytes)

* ***         retval = (void *)r1;
         LR    3,1         ; retval
* ***         }
* ***         
* ***   
* ***   if(retval != 0) {
         LR    2,3         ; #0
         LA    6,0(0,0)
         CR    2,6
         BE    @L1
* ***           
* ***   
* ***   __memcpy(retval,&(size),4);
         LR    2,3
         MVC   0(4,2),0(4)
* ***           
* ***   
* ***   
* ***   
* ***   retval = ((char *)retval + 8);
         LA    3,8(0,3)
* ***         }
* ***      }
         B     @L1
@L2      DS    0H
* ***      
* ***   
* ***   return retval;
@L1      DS    0H
         LR    2,3
         LR    15,2
         B     @ret_lab_51
* ***   }
@ret_lab_51 DS 0H
* * **** Start of Epilogue
* * **** End of Epilogue
*   DSECT for automatic variables in "malloc"
*      (FUNCTION #51)
@AUTO#malloc DSECT
         DS    XL104
malloc#retval#0 DS 1A      ; retval
free     ALIAS C'free'
         ST    1,80(0,13)  ; Save ptr to incoming parm block
* ******* End of Prologue
* *
* ***      char *p;
* ***      unsigned long size;
* ***      
* ***   p = (char *)ptr;
         L     2,0(0,1)    ; ptr
         ST    2,104(0,13) ; p
* ***      
* ***   
* ***   
* ***   p = p - 8;
         SL    2,@lit_52_5
         ST    2,104(0,13) ; p
* ***      
* ***   
* ***   
* ***   __memcpy(&size,p,4);
         LA    3,108(0,13) ; &size
         MVC   0(4,3),0(2)
* ***      
* ***   {
* ***         
* ***   __register(0) unsigned long r0;
* ***         __register(1) unsigned long r1;
* ***         __register(2) unsigned long r2;
* ***         __register(3) unsigned long r3;
* ***         r3 = (unsigned long)p;
         L     4,104(0,13) ; p
         LR    3,4         ; r3
* ***         r2 = size;
         L     5,108(0,13) ; size
         LR    2,5         ; r2
* ***         __asm 8 {
* ***         FREEMAIN RU,LV=(2),A=(3)
* ***         } ;
* inline ASM source (8 bytes)

		FREEMAIN RU,LV=(2),A=(3)
* ***      }
* ***   }
@ret_lab_52 DS 0H
* * **** Start of Epilogue
* * **** End of Epilogue
         DS    0D
@lit_52_5  DC F'8' 0x00000008
@FRAMESIZE_52  DC F'128'
*   DSECT for automatic variables in "free"
*      (FUNCTION #52)
         DS    XL104
free#p#0 DS    1A          ; p
free#size#0 DS 1F          ; size
realloc  ALIAS C'realloc'
         ST    1,80(0,13)  ; Save ptr to incoming parm block
* ******* End of Prologue
* *
         L     2,4(0,1)
         LR    5,2
* ***      void *retval;
* ***      
* ***   if(ptr == 0) {
         L     6,0(0,1)    ; ptr
         LA    7,0(0,0)
         CR    6,7
         BNE   @L3
* ***         
* ***   
* ***   return malloc(new_size);
         LR    7,5
         ST    7,120(0,13)
         LA    1,120(0,13)
         L     15,@lit_53_7 ; malloc
         BALR  14,15
         B     @ret_lab_53
         DS    0D
@FRAMESIZE_53  DC F'136'
@lit_53_7  DC A(malloc)
@lit_53_9  DC F'8' 0x00000008
@lit_53_10  DC F'256' 0x00000100
@lit_53_12  DC XL6'D20060008000'
@lit_53_13  DC A(free)
* ***      }
* ***      
* ***   
* ***   retval = malloc(new_size);
@L3      DS    0H
         LR    6,5
         ST    6,120(0,13)
         LA    1,120(0,13)
         L     15,@lit_53_7 ; malloc
         BALR  14,15
         LR    4,15        ; retval
* ***      
* ***   if(retval != 0) {
         LR    6,4         ; #0
         LA    7,0(0,0)
         CR    6,7
         BE    @L4
* ***         char *p;
* ***         unsigned long old_size;
* ***         unsigned long to_copy;
* ***         
* ***   p = ptr;
         L     6,80(0,13)
         L     7,0(0,6)    ; ptr
         LR    3,7         ; p
* ***         
* ***   
* ***   
* ***   
* ***   p = p-8;
         LR    8,3
         SL    8,@lit_53_9
         LR    3,8         ; p
* ***         __memcpy(&old_size,p,4);
         LA    8,112(0,13) ; &old_size
         LR    9,3
         MVC   0(4,8),0(9)
* ***         
* ***   
* ***   
* ***   to_copy = old_size;
         L     7,112(0,13) ; old_size
         LR    2,7         ; to_copy
* ***         if(to_copy > new_size) {
         LR    8,2         ; new_size
         LR    9,5
         CLR   8,9
         BNH   @L5
* ***         to_copy = new_size;
         LR    8,5         ; to_copy
         LR    2,8         ; to_copy
* ***         }
* ***         __memcpy(retval,ptr,to_copy);
@L5      DS    0H
         LR    6,4
         L     7,80(0,13)
         L     8,0(0,7)    ; ptr
         LR    9,2
         LR    10,6
@@gen_label5 DS 0H
         LTR   9,9
         BZ    @@gen_label6
         CL    9,@lit_53_10
         BH    @@gen_label7
         LR    11,9
         B     @@gen_label8
@@gen_label7 DS 0H
         L     11,@lit_53_10
@@gen_label8 DS 0H
         SLR   9,11
         BCTR  11,0
         EX    11,@lit_53_12
         LA    6,1(11,6)
         LA    8,1(11,8)
         B     @@gen_label5
@@gen_label6 DS 0H
* ***         
* ***   
* ***   free(ptr);
         L     6,80(0,13)
         L     7,0(0,6)    ; ptr
         ST    7,120(0,13)
         LA    1,120(0,13)
         L     15,@lit_53_13 ; free
         BALR  14,15
* ***      }
* ***      
* ***   
* ***   return retval;
@L4      DS    0H
         LR    6,4
         LR    15,6
         B     @ret_lab_53
* ***   }
@ret_lab_53 DS 0H
* * **** Start of Epilogue
* * **** End of Epilogue
*   DSECT for automatic variables in "realloc"
*      (FUNCTION #53)
@AUTO#realloc DSECT
         DS    XL104
realloc#retval#0 DS 1A     ; retval
realloc#p#2 DS 1A          ; p
realloc#old_size#2 DS 1F   ; old_size
realloc#to_copy#2 DS 1F    ; to_copy
*  Non-Re-Entrant Data Section

Example #0004

C source | Compilation command | Generated ASM

Source code


*  A simple program to retrieve the user name
*  on MVS.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main()
  int flccvt, ascb, asxb, acee, i;
  int *ip;

  char aceeusri[9];

  ip = (int *)0x224; 	/* PSAAOLD */
  ascb = *ip;		

  ip = (int *)(ascb + 0x6c);  /* ASCBASXB */
  asxb = *ip;

  ip = (int *)(asxb + 0xc8);   /* ASXBSENV */
  acee = *ip;

  ip = (int *)(acee + 0x15);   /* ACEEUSRI */

  memcpy(aceeusri, ip, 8); /* Get USER ID */
  aceeusri[8] = '\0';	   /* NULL terminate */

  printf("User name is `%s'\n", aceeusri);

Cross-hosted compile command & compiler output


../dcc -flicense=dignus.freebsd.inf -oasm0004.390 src0004.c
DCC Systems/C 390 compiler - version 1.31.00
   (c) Copyright 1999-2000  Dignus, LLC   All rights reserved.
DCC is licensed to Dignus, LLC.
DCC Return code 0, elapsed time 0.11 seconds.

Generated ASM source

*  Compiled by DCC Version 1.31.00
*           on Fri Oct 27 16:43:34 2000

@CRT0    ALIAS C'@crt0'
         EXTRN @CRT0
*    Code Section
@CODE    ALIAS C'@SRC0004'
@DATA    ALIAS C'@src0004'
printf   ALIAS C'printf'
         EXTRN printf
main     ALIAS C'main'
* ******* End of Prologue
* *
* ***     int flccvt, ascb, asxb, acee, i;
* ***     int *ip;
* ***     
* ***   char aceeusri[9];
* ***     
* ***   ip = (int *)0x224;
         LA    2,548(0,0)  ; ip
* ***     ascb = *ip;
         L     6,0(0,2)
         LR    5,6         ; ascb
* ***     
* ***   ip = (int *)(ascb + 0x6c);
         LR    6,5
         A     6,@lit_118_1
         LR    2,6         ; ip
* ***     asxb = *ip;
         L     6,0(0,2)
         LR    4,6         ; asxb
* ***     
* ***   ip = (int *)(asxb + 0xc8);
         LR    6,4
         A     6,@lit_118_2
         LR    2,6         ; ip
* ***     acee = *ip;
         L     6,0(0,2)
         LR    3,6         ; acee
* ***     
* ***   ip = (int *)(acee + 0x15);
         LR    6,3
         A     6,@lit_118_3
         LR    2,6         ; ip
* ***     
* ***   __memcpy(aceeusri,ip,8);
         LA    6,120(0,13) ; &aceeusri
         LR    7,2
         MVC   0(8,6),0(7)
* ***     aceeusri[8] = '\0';
         LA    6,120(0,13) ; &aceeusri
         LA    6,8(0,6)
         LA    7,0(0,0)
         STC   7,0(0,6)
* ***     
* ***   printf("User name is `%s'\n", aceeusri);
         LA    6,@lit_118_4
         LA    7,120(0,13) ; &aceeusri
         STM   6,7,136(13)
         LA    1,136(0,13)
         L     15,@lit_118_5 ; printf
         BALR  14,15
* ***   }
@ret_lab_118 DS 0H
* * **** Start of Epilogue
* * **** End of Epilogue
         DS    0D
@lit_118_4 DC XL8'E4A2859940958194' User.nam
         DC XL8'854089A240796CA2'
         DC XL3'7D1500' ...
         DC    X'00'
@lit_118_3  DC F'21' 0x00000015
@lit_118_2  DC F'200' 0x000000c8
@lit_118_1  DC F'108' 0x0000006c
@FRAMESIZE_118  DC F'152'
@lit_118_5  DC A(printf)
*   DSECT for automatic variables in "main"
*      (FUNCTION #118)
         DS    XL96
main#flccvt#0 DS 1F        ; flccvt
main#ascb#0 DS 1F          ; ascb
main#asxb#0 DS 1F          ; asxb
main#acee#0 DS 1F          ; acee
main#i#0 DS    1F          ; i
main#ip#0 DS   1A          ; ip
main#aceeusri#0 DS 9CL1    ; aceeusri
*  Non-Re-Entrant Data Section

Example #0050

C source | Compilation command | Generated ASM

Source code


*  __far pointer example.
*	__far pointers pointer into Hiperspace (via AR registers)
*	__far pointers may take advantage of the __based() attribute
*	to indicate they are based on a particular __alet.  Thus,
*	several __far pointers may share __alet values.    In this case
*	the __far pointer only uses 4 bytes of memory.  
*	__far pointers which are not based use 8 bytes of memory and
*	have the form:
*		+----------+
*               | ALET     |
*		+----------+
*               | OFFSET   |
*		+----------+
*	The following example declares a few __far __based() pointers and
*	demonstrates movements to/from Hiperspace via dereferences of
*	these pointers.
	struct foo {
	   int field1;
	   int field2;
	} ;

	__alet base, base2;
	__far struct foo __based(base) *far_foo_pointer;
	__far struct foo __based(base2) *far_foo_pointer_2;
	__far __based(base) *far_ip;
	int i;

	struct foo f;

	   /* Move from a __far structure to a local structure. */
	f = *far_foo_pointer;

	   /* Move from a local structure to a __far structure. */
	*far_foo_pointer = f;

	  /* Move one __far structure to another (note the two */
	  /*  different based __alets */
	*far_foo_pointer_2 = *far_foo_pointer;

	  /* Assign from a field in a __far structure */
	i = far_foo_pointer -> field2;

	  /* Assign to a field in a __far structure */
	far_foo_pointer -> field2 = 10;

	  /* Assign an integer to an __alet */
	base = 0x0;

	  /* Simple dereference of a __far integer pointer */
	i = *far_ip;

	*far_ip = i;


Cross-hosted compile command & compiler output


../dcc -flicense=dignus.freebsd.inf -oasm0050.390 src0050.c
DCC Systems/C 390 compiler - version 1.31.00
   (c) Copyright 1999-2000  Dignus, LLC   All rights reserved.
DCC is licensed to Dignus, LLC.
DCC Return code 0, elapsed time 0.04 seconds.

Generated ASM source

*  Compiled by DCC Version 1.31.00
*           on Fri Oct 27 16:43:34 2000

@CRT0    ALIAS C'@crt0'
         EXTRN @CRT0
*    Code Section
@CODE    ALIAS C'@SRC0050'
@DATA    ALIAS C'@src0050'
main     ALIAS C'main'
* ******* End of Prologue
* *
* ***      struct foo {
* ***         int field1;
* ***         int field2;
* ***      } ;
* ***      
* ***   __alet base, base2;
* ***      __far struct foo __based(base) *far_foo_pointer;
* ***      __far struct foo __based(base2) *far_foo_pointer_2;
* ***      __far __based(base) *far_ip;
* ***      int i;
* ***      
* ***   struct foo f;
* ***      
* ***   
* ***   f = *far_foo_pointer;
         LA    6,120(0,13) ; &f
         LR    7,2         ; far_foo_pointer
         LR    8,3
         SAR   8,7
         CPYA  6,12        ; AR 12 is always 0
         SAC   512(0)      ; AR mode
         MVC   0(8,6),0(8)
         SAC   0(0)        ; Primary mode
* ***      
* ***   
* ***   *far_foo_pointer = f;
         LR    6,2         ; far_foo_pointer
         LR    7,3
         SAR   7,6
         LA    6,120(0,13) ; &f
         CPYA  6,12        ; AR 12 is always 0
         SAC   512(0)      ; AR mode
         MVC   0(8,7),0(6)
         SAC   0(0)        ; Primary mode
* ***      
* ***   
* ***   
* ***   *far_foo_pointer_2 = *far_foo_pointer;
         L     6,100(0,13) ; base2
         L     7,108(0,13) ; far_foo_pointer_2
         SAR   7,6
         LR    8,2         ; far_foo_pointer
         LR    9,3
         SAR   9,8
         SAC   512(0)      ; AR mode
         MVC   0(8,7),0(9)
         SAC   0(0)        ; Primary mode
* ***      
* ***   
* ***   i = far_foo_pointer -> field2;
         LR    8,2         ; far_foo_pointer
         LR    9,3
         SAR   9,8
         LA    9,4(0,9)    ; offset of field2 in foo
         SAC   512(0)      ; AR mode
         L     8,0(0,9)
         SAC   0(0)        ; Primary mode
         LR    4,8         ; i
* ***      
* ***   
* ***   far_foo_pointer -> field2 = 10;
         LR    8,2         ; far_foo_pointer
         LR    9,3
         SAR   9,8
         LA    9,4(0,9)    ; offset of field2 in foo
         LA    8,10(0,0)
         SAC   512(0)      ; AR mode
         ST    8,0(0,9)    ; offset of field2 in foo
         SAC   0(0)        ; Primary mode
* ***      
* ***   
* ***   base = 0x0;
         LA    6,0(0,0)
         ST    6,96(0,13)  ; base
* ***      
* ***   
* ***   i = *far_ip;
         LR    8,2         ; far_ip
         LR    9,5
         SAR   9,8
         SAC   512(0)      ; AR mode
         L     8,0(0,9)
         SAC   0(0)        ; Primary mode
         LR    4,8         ; i
* ***      
* ***   *far_ip = i;